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LMS Concierges Services

Overwhelmed by LMS options? Turn your LMS from a problem into a powerhouse! 

Login Page

The Login page was transformed from a plain white webpage with basic black font, an outdated logo, obsolete support information into a new webpage with a fresh, new text font, an appropriate login box, linked social media icons for the college, updated support methods, links to several resources, and a health care appropriate background. 


(Use the green horizontal slider to show more of the before and after pictures.)

Front Page

The front page of our Moodle site was transformed from a simple page with outdated support information, a list of available courses (even if a student wasn’t enrolled), and resources simply uploaded into a visually aesthetically pleasing from page with a scrolling announcement marquee, a calendar with student’s assignments, a course menu and list of course customized to the student, and a link to equally visually pleasing resources page. 


(Use the green horizontal slider to show more of the before and after pictures.)

Course Page

The course page was transformed from a plain page with small text and a few images into an innovative course page with more readable text, easy to follow section heads, and a consistent look and feel. 


(Use the green horizontal slider to show more of the before and after pictures.)

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